Why You Should Write A Book As Part Of Your Content Strategy
Why You Should Write A Book As Part Of Your Content Strategy
on Apr 21, 2021
We're living in a time in which consumers are devouring content. They're reading blogs, podcasts, videos, and everything in between. Content is king, and it's an important strategy to nurture followers on the journey to becoming customers.
Modern content marketing is different, and that's a good thing. Content is versatile and can be offered to your consumers in many formats and styles. You can produce more content in less time and use it to build your business. One content marketing strategy that's not fully harnessed is writing a book.
Angela Albright, founder of Beverly Hills Publishing, is a proponent of entrepreneurs using their book as part of their content marketing strategy. Albright helps authors not only write their books, but develops the marketing, messaging, and publishing strategy as well.
“It’s important to realize that writing a book is different today. You can repurpose content to create a book or write 20,000 words and publish a book with ease and fewer gatekeepers,” says Albright. “That book can then become one of your most effective content marketing strategies. Nothing shows expertise more clearly and in greater detail than a book.”
1. You Have A Lot Of Content That Deserves New Life And Reach
“You’re already creating content as a business owner. How much time are you spending creating social media posts, blogs, newsletters, podcasts, webinars, and other types of content? That content deserves more life and a wider reach for your business,” suggests Albright.
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“You can compile all of the content you're posting and create a book from it. Take your repurposed content and lay it out in a way that fits together logically. You can hire an editor and formatter to build a great book from the content you're already producing.”
2. A Book Gives You The Runaway To Demonstrate Your Expertise
A blog post is about seven hundred words, a newsletter a few hundred, and social media posts are short.
“A book lets you go deep. You get 20,000 to 60,000 words to fully express thoughts and walk readers and future clients through the A to Z of what you teach,” notes Albright. “You can give consumers the kind of value that builds trust and makes an impact — it gives you an opportunity to change lives because you have the space to do so.”
3. A Book Creates A Legacy
“If you're an entrepreneur, your goal is to create freedom, financial security, and build a legacy that outlives you. A book can help you take your thoughts and ideas, and immortalize them,” says Albright. “Your book lives on and continues to add value long after you've left this earth. The significance of being an author builds brand credibility in your consumer's mind.”
Don't let the idea of creating a book intimate you from one of the most powerful content marketing strategies you may not be using. It's time to play a bigger game.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/
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